Bagaimana Cara Membuat Lezat Choco sandwich Cara Bunda Syahrini Hastuti
- by Syahrini Hastuti
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Choco sandwich Cara Bunda Syahrini Hastuti.
Chocolate Sandwich: Try this decadent chocolate dessert which is delicious, sinful and oh-so-chocolaty. A perfect dessert for lazy evenings. During the time when I used to live in Pune, chocolate sandwich was one dessert everyone around me used to crave.
Butter Chocolate sandwich is one of the most loved dessert sandwiches on the café menus.
Basically it is nothing but chocolate filling in between bread slices.
There are so many different variations to make the filling.
Anda dapat membuat Choco sandwich menggunakan 5 resep dan 7 langkah. Inilah cara Anda membuat ini.
Resep Untuk Membuat Choco sandwich
- Persiapkan dari Roti tawar.
- Anda membutuhkan secukupnya dari Tepung panir.
- Anda membutuhkan 1 butir dari telur.
- Kemudian dari Cokelat/Choco chips/Meses.
- Anda membutuhkan secukupnya dari Garam.
I have shared a few of them which I make at home.
These chocolate sandwiches are a favorite with my boys and I make them quite often.
These make a great breakfast or a snack for kids.
Flip the sandwiches and cook until the second sides are golden brown and the chocolate is melted, about three minutes.
Langkah-langkah Pembuatan Choco sandwich
Siapkan dan potong roti tawar menjadi bundar,bisa pakai cetakan/lingkar gelas seperti saya,caranya letakkan gelas di atas roti tawar lalu tekan dan putar putar..
Siapkan wadah,pecahkan satu butir telur,tambahkan sedikit garam lalu kocok hingga merata..
Potong potong cokelat aku sarankan di potong kecil kecil supaya nanti ketika di goreng cepat meleleh,letakkan di tengah tengah roti tawar lalu olesi pinggir roti tawar dengan telur yang sudah di kocok supaya mudah merekat saat ditekan..
Tutup dengan roti tawar lagi lalu rekatkan,karena roti milik saya sobek jadi saya double rotinya supaya coklat nggak bocor saat digoreng nanti,lakukan hingga roti kalian habis ya..
Lalu masukkan roti tawar yang sudah berisi cokelat pastikan sudah tertutup rapat ke dalam telur,lalu lumuri dengan tepung panir..
Panaskan minyak,jika sudah panas kecilkan api,masukkan roti berisi coklat tunggu kurang lebih 4menit,jangan lupa di balik agar tidak gosong..
Angkat lalu tiriskan,choco sandwich siap disajikan!.
Transfer the finished sandwiches to a plate, wipe the pan clean, and cook the.
Chocolate sandwich recipe a quick sandwich using dark chocolate.
Chocolate sandwich recipe with step by step pictures and video.
This chocolate sandwich can be had as a desert or snack or even had as an breakfast option as kids will love it anytime.
Chocolate Sandwich is a super easy, crispy and delicious grilled sandwich made of bread slices and some dark chocolate.
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